Chimney Testing Enterprise

Industrial SmokeStack Testing Training & Consultingthroughout Southeast Asia&Vendor of Smokestack Testing Equipment (Various brands) 
US EPA Method 5 sampling train for isokinetic sampling

Welcome to Chimney Testing Enterprise.

We offer training and consulting on how to do smoke-stack testing (fixed sources) thorough Southeast Asia. We also provide expert witness services (including validating data from Continuous Emission Monitors "CEMS/PEMS", or those for use in Dispersion Modeling software), and relevant equipment and analyzers from different worldwide brands too.

We use Testing Methods from the following agencies/bodies: 

We do not offer commercial stack testing services.

industrial smokestack with black smoke and blue syk
isokinetic sampling meter console and pump

On-site Training

We have experience with many different types of industries and regulatory setups. Please contact us for more details on training and related services provided.

ISO/IEC 17025 Assessors

Testing Laboratories (Environmental)

Consultancies & Governments

Factories (Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Power etc.)

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from our customers. Please feel free to contact us for any questions, comments or concerns or feedback about the services that we provide. 

Physical shipping address: Please refer to Purchase Orders or contact us to confirm this.

Chimney Testing Enterprise

